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TeenFidelity E336 Natalie Brooks-Big Booty Brooks

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teenfidelity e336 Natalie Brooks - big booty Brooks

5 years ago

Thanks for the movies !
Thank you for your generosity. That you sharing . ... In general Ryan madison this is a liquid colorless and spineless man who has no mind no sense of male pride no individual .
therefore, he will always receive only crumbs and
leftovers slops instead of recognition and admiration ( I do not mean the hypocritical praise for the money from female performers ) Yes and at all could a normal a man could choose such a wife ??? .A pathetic henpecked man who has sex only with the permission of his inadequate wife who is his pimp . Sorry but sure that He will die in 45 -47 because of drugs and alcohol alone and being unwanted a man among of hungry for money whores and the people who endured him just for the money. You know why ? because nobody cares about him . . As the identity no.....everybody sees him only as dick with money. Even his tarantula kelly said that he is only a cheap worker (slave) for her and he happily made a retweet with this message. So I say he has no pride and no manhood. He and his wife deserve nothing but contempt. I think kelly is not will very upset anyway. She herself said in an interview that Ryan is only a cheap worker and tom for her. Ryan facked 2 thousand women. Kelly exploited his very well. And after ryan she will become a millionaire and find a new younger "love" Even many porn Actresses do not respect him and do not retweet his films in which they were shot. ( Danni rivers -kinsley eden- natalie brooks and more ) yes yes They have sex with him for money but after they even don't want to retweet those movies from teenfidelity .By the way, he also has an inferiority complex. He hates retweets with other men actors who fuck those who fucked with him . For example recently there was a film with James Dean for pornfidelity and everyone praised James . Ryan hasn't even done a retweet with this comments and this movie ! He was so jealous of James Dean ! He likes to cherish in his sick imagination that he is super cock and number one lover ! And when someone praises other actors he hates it ! Although James Dean is much better than he is . And the ryan is just a pale dick. That's right about him people say he's a dick in a baseball cap and no one else. No wonder some Actresses refused to shooting with him again . Some porn Actresses complained that he didn't pay them ( as daisy stone or pamela morrison) . Though actually his wife pays all ( or most ) and he's only a penis . And without her knowledge not one cent will not disappear ! So she only coul order him for whom pay or no. And he is afraid of her . She puts pictures of dead relatives in porn movies and porn blog ! How can she have fans ?? make me sick ! 19 years can not does anything to win and then writes fuck you greg Lansky . Just really jealous that Greg Lansky has enough fantasy to winning all the time or that Greg enough smart to not have an old and ugly wife who keeps him under heel?? shame on you ryan . Don't support him and Kelly. Never vote for them . . They are very very bad and Terrible People .