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Ariel Vs. Nedda Y. - Orgasm

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7 years ago 10 159 22min 42sec
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Ariel is a treasure. She’s an amazing girl you know, the kind of girl from your dreams, from perfect world where it is only ever spring, with endless blossom and dancing near a fire. I love to work with her. I never know quite how she will behave during the next movie or shoot. It is always a surprise for me. She surprises me often. Well, I’m sure Ariel will surprise you too with her fantastic essence and unbelievable beauty. Nedda Y is an angel on earth. She is a fabulous marvel. On top of that Nedda Y is a very sweet and kind girl. And have you seen her amazing "butterfly"? Oh, I can talk about this girl for ages... P.S. Her result on the Pleasure Scale is Air.