1Pondo 090322_001 M Slut Miyu Morita

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1Pondo 090322_001 M Slut Miyu Morita
Damien & Kelly

1 year ago

JAPANESE Women are so beautiful, aren't they? This cutie is no exception. She has nice hair, eyes and a nice smile. Her body is awesome, big beautiful breasts (yes I'm starting to like bigger breasts!) she has stiff nipples. Long legs leading to a wonderful smooth and wet pussy with a nice stiff clit. I love the fact that she has a little extra meat on the bones too and is not so thin that you'd be afraid to hurt her while fucking her smooth pussy. Yes, for sure she is one hot cutie. She deserves a 20/10 on the OL' SHE SHOULD GET YOUR COCK STIFF PETER METER, 20/10? How is that possible? Easy because she is so HOT! If she can't get your cock stiff, give up, you ARE dead!